How the TopSpin360 Works

Who is appropriate for the TopSpin360?


Who want to do everything they can to mitigate their own concussion and neck injury risk


To take an active approach to combat and situational readiness and screen for concussion and injury risk prior to deployment and training


Who want to do everything they can to help protect their athletes from concussion and neck injury risk. Best ability = availability


Who want a way to quantify dynamic neck strength and function and dynamically load the neck in a safe manner to enhance rehabilitation from concussion and neck injuries.

Strength and Conditioning

Who want to train the neck to prepare for sport and quantify baseline status and progress to determine future injury risk

Athletic directors

Who want to do everything they can to protect all athletes at their institution from the devastating effects of concussion and neck injuries

Why we are

RFD is a measure of fast twitch muscle development in pounds of force per second. As the neck’s RFD increases, so does your ability to stabilize your head on impact and reduce your concussion risk. Track your RFD in real time on our app as you train on TopSpin360.
Our training program requires only 2-3 short session per week. Adjust your helmet, connect to our app using built in Bluetooth, and see results in as little as 3-5 minutes per session!
TopSpin360 is the first, truly multi-planar, neuromuscular training device that dynamically strengthens the neck through self-generated centripetal force. The faster the weight spins, the more centripetal force is generated and the faster and stronger the neck muscles must contract and respond to keep the head stable on the body. This is how TopSpin360’s innovative design trains the muscles to protect the head from sudden impulse loads.
TopSpin360 only uses self-generated centripetal force, so it is inherently safe as the weight can only spin as fast as the neck muscles can work. Like a hula-hoop, the weight stops spinning if those muscles fatigue or lose coordination.
*Low friction dual-bearing system for improved training response and stability *Rigid, lightweight design *Fully adjustable inflation helmet *Bluetooth ™ Low Energy device with high capacity battery, providing weeks of training between charges *Custom training app through Google Play and the Apple App store

Get FREE access to our whitepaper to learn six key science based
elements your concussion prevention training can't leave out!


More Than A
Training Device.